nick priest

The Second Term (2022-2025)
Headed into my second term I had the opportunity to drive several initiatives further including a completed Communications Research Study which provided the data and recommendations for how we can reach out and connect with more residents and a real focus on the development and implementation of cyber security.
A lot of time was spent discussing and driving infrastructure change. I have been an ardent force in ensuring things like double poles, sidewalks, and crosswalks are addressed in our community.
The last three years also marked a critical time in the discussion and planning around our evolution from an economic perspective. While life has certainly persevered post-pandemic there have been substantial shifts in how businesses operate and that shift is starting to show itself in the acceptance of virtual/remote based work which is in-turn having an impact on our economy and the other businesses in our community. Working to address this has been and will continue to be at the forefront of my agenda should I have the opportunity to continue serving our community.
The First Term (2019-2022)
I certainly did not anticipate serving my first term during a global pandemic.
As a board we had to completely shift to a reactive position. Working with the Town Administrator, Town Accountant, Board of Health, and other town officials we experienced minimal disruption to services by maintaining a level-headed approach while revenue losses rose and health concerns both rose.
And while I acknowledge the disruption the pandemic brought to our community; I do not let it define us, or my first term.
Below, you'll see the eight items I've called out as areas of focus where I put my time and energy. Some we've successfully completed goals, others are currently in action, and most will have evolving goals and efforts.
One Burlington. For all. By all.
If there is one thing that is more clear to me than ever before it is our need to return to the roots of what it means to be a community. What does Burlington need and how do we get there? Volunteer, participate in the conversation, and vote. Consider the first, join when you can, and yes, always vote.
If you would like to contact me: nickcpriest@gmail.com